The final programme consists in 66 papers, 11 posters, 6 invited talks and 3 tutorials. All papers and posters will be included in the proceedings to be distributed during the conference; however, only the 67 papers will be eligible for publication by Springer.
The conference will open on Wednesday (21 June) and close on Friday evening (23 June) with a banquet, after which you are invited to participate in the annual celebration of São João (Saint John), the city patron saint.
The day before the conference (20 June, Tuesday) has been allocated to 3 tutorials (one full day and two half day) on the following subjects:
- Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software for Large Scientific Problems
(Full day)
09:30 - 11:30, 12:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 15:30, 16:00 - 18:00
by Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA), Iain Duff (CERFACS, France, and RAL, United Kingdom) and Danny Sorensen (Rice University, USA)
- Benchmarking High Performance Computers: Fundamentals and Practice
(Half day)
09:30 - 11:30, 12:00 - 13:00
by Aad J. Van der Steen (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- The Globus Grid Programming Toolkit
(Half day)
14:30 - 15:30, 16:00 - 18:00
by Ian Foster (Argonne National Lab. and the University of Chicago, USA)
The programme for the three days is the following:
Auditorium I |
Room A |
8:30-9:30 |
R e g i s t r a t i o n |
9:30-10:20 |
O p e n i n g S e s s i o n |
10:20-10:50 |
C o f f e e |
10:50-11:50 |
High Performance Computing on the Internet
Ian Foster
Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago (USA)
Session 1: Distributed Computing and Operating Systems
Session 2: Languages and Tools
11:50-12:10 |
Implementing and Analysing an Effective Explicit Coscheduling Algorithm on a NOW
Francesc Solana, Francesc Giné, Fermin Molina, Porfidio Hernández and Emilio Luque (Spain)
Parallel Architecture for Natural Language Processing
Ricardo Annes (Brazil)
12:10-12:30 |
An Approximation Algorithm for the Static Task Scheduling on Multiprocessors
Janez Brest, Jaka Jejcic, Aleksander Vreze and Viljem Zumer (Slovenia)
A Platform Independent Parallelising Tool Based on Graph Theoretic Models
Oliver Sinnen and Leonel Sousa (Portugal)
12:30-12:50 |
A New Buffer Management Scheme for Sequential and Looping Reference Pattern Applications
Jun-Young Cho, Gyeong-Hun Kim, Hong-Kyu Kang and Myong-Soon Park (Korea)
A Tool for Distributed Software Design in the CORBA Environment
Jan Kwiatkowski, Maciej Przewozny and José C. Cunha (Poland)
12:50-14.30 |
L U N C H |
Session 3: Data-warehouse, Education and Genetic algorithms
Session 4: Architectures and Distributed Computing
14:30-14:50 |
Parallel Performance of Ensemble Self-Generating Neural Networks
Hirotaka Inoue and Hiroyuki Narihisa (Japan)
A Novel Collective Communication Scheme on Packet-Switched 2D-mesh Interconnection
MinHwan Ok and Myong-Soon Park (South Korea)
14:50-15:10 |
An Environment to Learn Concurrency
Giuseppina Capretti, Maria Rita Laganà and Laura Ricci (Italy)
Enhancing Parallel Multimedia Servers through New Hierarchical Disk Scheduling Algorithms
Javier Fernández, Félix García and Jesús Carretero (Spain)
15:10-15:30 |
Dynamic Load Balancing Model: Preliminary Results for a Parallel Pseudo-Search Engine Indexers/Crawler Mechanisms using MPI and Genetic Programming
Reginald L. Walker (USA)
A Parallel VRML97 Server Based on Active Objects
Thomas Rischbeck and Paul Watson (United Kingdom)
15:30-16:30 |
Cellular Automata: Applications
Dietrich Stauffer
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Cologne University (Germany)
16:30-17:00 |
C o f f e e |
Session 5: Cellular Automata
Session 6: Linear Algebra
17:00-17:20 |
The Role of Parallel Cellular Programming in Computational Science
Domenico Talia (Italy)
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem
Maria Antónia Forjaz and Rui Ralha (Portugal)
17:20-17:40 |
A Novel Algorithm for the Numerical Simulation of Collision-free
Plasma David Nunn (UK)
Performance of Automatically Tuned Parallel GMRES(m) Method on Distributed Memory Machines
Hisayasu Kuroda, Takahiro Katagiri and Yasumasa Kanada (Japan)
17:40-18:00 |
Parallelization of a Density Functional Program for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Large Molecules
J.M. Pacheco and José Luís Martins (Portugal)
A Methodology for Automatically Tuned Parallel Tri-diagonalization on Distributed Memory Vector-Parallel Machines
Takahiro Katagiri, Hisayasu and Yasumasa Kanada (Japan)
18:00-18:20 |
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm to the Numeric Solution of Schrodinger Equation
Jesús Vigo_Aguiar, Luis M. Quintales and S. Natesan (Spain)
A new Parallel Approach to the Toeplitz Inverse Eigen-problem using Newton-like Methods
Jesús Peinado and Antonio Vidal (Spain)
19:30- |
( C a s a d o R o s e i r a l , P a l á c i o d e C r i s t a l )
Auditorium I |
Room A |
Session 7: Real-time and Embedded Systems
Session 8: Linear Algebra
9:00-9:20 |
Solving the Quadratic 0-1 Problem
G. Schütz, F.M. Pires and A.E. Ruano (Portugal)
Non-stationary Parallel Newton Iterative Methods for Non-linear Problems
Josep Arnal, Violeta Migallón and José Penadés (Spain)
9:20-9:40 |
A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Static Allocation of Real-time Tasks
Leila Baccouche (Tunisia)
Modified Cholesky Factorisation of Sparse Matrices on Distributed Memory Systems: Fan-in and Fan-out Algorithms with Reduced Idle Times
María J. Martin and Francisco F. Rivera (Spain)
9:40-10:00 |
Value Prediction as a Cost-effective Solution to Improve Embedded Processor Performance
Silvia Del Pino, Luis Piñuel, Rafael A.Moreno and Francisco Tirado (Spain)
An Index Domain for Adaptive Multi-grid Methods
Andreas Schramm (Germany)
10:00-10:20 |
Parallel Pole Assignment of Single-Input Systems
Maribel Castillo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí and Vicente Hernandez (Spain)
PARADEIS: An STL Extension for Data Parallel Sparse Matrix Computation
Frank Delaplace and Didier Remy (France)
10:20-10:50 |
C o f f e e |
10:50-11:50 |
Parallel Branch-and-Bound for Chemical Engineering Applications: Load Balancing and Scheduling
IssuesChao-Yang Gau and Mark Stadtherr
University of Notre Dame (USA)
Poster Session
Industrial Session I
Industrial Session II
11:50 - 12.20 |
Vector Computing: Past Present and Future
Christian Lantwin
NEC European Supercomputer Systems
High Speed Internet to Enable High Performance Computing
Kurt Bertone
Nortel Networks
12:20 - 12.50 |
12016 Terabit System Overview
Graca Carvalho
Parallel Processing - Why Compaq?
Yvan Bantoure
COMPAQ High Performance Computing
12:50-14.30 |
L U N C H |
Session 9: Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms
Session 10: Linear Algebra
14:30-14:50 |
A Parallel Implementation of an Interior-Point Algorithm for Multicommodity Network Flows
Jordi Castro and Antonio Frangioni (Spain)
Parallelization of a Recursive Decoupling Method for Solving Tridiagonal Linear System on Distributed Memory Computer
M. Amor, F. Arguello, J. López and E. L. Zapata (Spain)
14:50-15:10 |
A Parallel Algorithm for the Simulation of the Dynamic Behaviour of Liquid-Liquid Agitated Columns
E.F Gomes, L.M. Ribeiro, P.F.R. Regueiras and J.J.C. Cruz-Pinto (Portugal)
Fully Vectorized Solver for Linear Recurrence System with Constant Coefficients
Przemyslaw Stpiczynski and Marcin Paprzycki (Poland)
15:10-15:30 |
Performance Analysis and Modelling of Regular Applications on Heterogeneous Workstation Networks
Andrea Clematis and Angelo Corana (Italy)
Parallel Solvers for Discrete-Time Periodic Riccati Equations
Rafael Mayo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Enrique Arias and Vicente Hernández (Spain)
15:30-16:30 |
Thirty Years of Parallel Image Processing
Michael Duff
University College London (UK)
16:30-17:00 |
C o f f e e |
Session 11: Imaging
Session 12: Reconfigurable Systems
17:00-17:20 |
Scheduling of a Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor
M. Amor, E.J. Padrón, J. Touriño and R- Doallo (Spain)
Improving the Performance of Heterogeneous DSMs via Multithreading
Renato J.O. Figueiredo, Jeffrey P. Bradford and José A.B. Fortes (USA)
17:20-17:40 |
Efficient Low and Intermediate Level Vision Algorithms for the LAPMAM Image Processing Parallel Architecture
Domingo Torres, Hervé Mathias, Hassan Rabah and Serge Weber (Mexico)
Solving the Generalized Sylvester Equation with a Systolic
Gloria Martínez, Germán Fabregat and Vicente Hernandez (Spain)
17:40-18:00 |
Parallel Image Processing System on a Cluster of Personal Computers
J. Barbosa, J. Tavares and A. J. Padilha (Portugal)
Parallelizing 2D Packing Problems with a Reconfigurable Computing Subsystem
J. Carlos Alves, C. Albuquerque, J. Canas Ferreira and J. Silva Matos (Portugal)
Auditorium I |
Room A |
Session 13: Linear Algebra
Session 14: Languages and Tools
9:00-9:20 |
A Component-Based Stiff ODE Solver on a Cluster of Computers
J.M. Mantas Ruiz and J. Ortega Lopera (Spain)
Measuring the Performance Impact of SP-restricted Programming
Arturo González-Escribano et al (Spain)
9:20-9:40 |
Efficient Pipelining of Level 3 BLAS Routines
Frédéric Deprez and Stéphane Domas (France)
A SCOOPP Evaluation on Packing Parallel Objects in Run-time
João Luís Sobral and Alberto José Proença (Portugal)
9:40-10:00 |
A Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Toeplitz Least Square Problem
Pedro Alonso, José M. Badía and Antonio M. Vidal (Spain)
The Distributed Engineering Framework TENT
Thomas Breitfeld, Tomas Forkert, Hans-Peter Kersken, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Strietzel and Klaus Wolf (Germany)
10:00-10:20 |
Parallel Preconditioning of Linear Systems Appearing in 3D Plastic Injection Simulation
D. Guerrero, V. Hernández, J. E. Román and A.M. Vidal (Spain)
Suboptimal Communication Schedule for GEN_BLOCK Redistribution
Hyun-Gyoo Yook and Myong-Soon Park (Korea)
10:20-10:50 |
C o f f e e |
10:50-11:50 |
Finite/Discrete Element Analysis of Multi-fracture and Multi-contact Phenomena
David Roger J. Owen
University of Wales Swansea (Wales, UK)
Session 15: Structural Analysis and Crash
Session 16: Imaging
11:50-12:10 |
Dynamic Multi-Repartitioning for Parallel Structural Analysis Simulations
Achim Basermann et al (Germany)
Synchronous Non-Local Image Processing on Orthogonal Multiprocessor Systems
Leonel Sousa and Oliver Sinnen (Portugal)
12:10-12:30 |
Parallel Edge-Based Finite-Element Techniques for Nonlinear Solid Mechanics
Marcos A.D. Martins, José L.D. Alves and Àlvaro L.G.A. Coutinho (Brazil)
Reconfigurable Mesh Algorithm for Enhanced Median Filter
Byeong-Moon Jeon, Kyu-Yeol Chae and Chang-Sung Jeong (Korea)
12:30-12:50 |
A Multiplatform Distributed FEM Analysis System using PVM and MPI
Célio Oda Moretti, Túlio Nogueira Bittencourt and Luiz Fernando Martha (Brazil)
Parallel Implementation of a Track Recognition System Using Hough Transform
Augusto Cesar Heluy Dantas, José Manoel de Seixas and Felipe Maia Galvão França (Brazil)
12:50-14:30 |
L U N C H |
Session 17: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Session 18: Numerical Methods and Parallel Algorithms
14:30-14:50 |
Modelling of Explosions using a Parallel CFD-Code
C. Troyer, H. Wilkening, R. Koppler and T. Huld (Italy)
Parallel Algorithm for Fast Cloth Simulation
Sergio Romero, Luis F. Romero and Emilio L. Zapata (Spain)
14:50-15:10 |
Fluvial Flowing of Guaíba River Estuary: A Parallel Solution for the Shallow Water Equations Model
Rogério Luis Rizzi, Ricardo Dorenles et al (Brazil)
Parallel Approximation to High Multiplicity Scheduling Problem via Smooth Multi-valued Quadratic Programming
Maria Serna and Fatos Xhafa (Spain)
15:10-15:30 |
Application of Parallel Simulated Annealing and CFD for the Design of Internal Flow Systems
Xiaojian Wang and Murali Damodaran (Singapore)
High Level Parallelization of a 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Code with Irregular Communication Patterns
Emmanuel Cagniot, Thomas Brandes, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Francis Piriou, Pierre Boulet and Stéphane Clénet (France)
15:30-16:30 |
Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows, from Desktop to Supercomputer
Ugo Piomelli, Alberto Scotti and Elias Balaras
University of Maryland (USA)
16:30-17:00 |
C o f f e e |
Session 19: Languages and Tools
Session 20: Cellular Automata
17:00-17:20 |
A Neural Network Based Tool for Semi-automatic Code Transformation
V. Purnell, P.H. Corr and P. Milligan (N. Ireland)
Optimisation with Parallel Computing
Sourav Kundu (Japan)
17:20-17:40 |
Multiple Device Implementation of WMPI
Hernâni Pedroso and João Gabriel Silva (Portugal)
Power System Reliability by Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation on Multicomputer Platforms
Carmen L.T. Borges and Djalma M. Falcão (Brazil)
17:40-18:10 |
B e s t S t u d e n t P a p e r A w a r d
C l o s i n g S e s s i o n
19:30- |
V E C P A R ' 2 0 0 0 B a n q u e t