
Edge based interface element for three-dimensional geomechanical problems
Rubens Sydenstricker - COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Marcos Martins - COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Alvaro Coutinho - COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
José Alves - COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
A edge-based three-dimensional interface element for simulation of joints,
faults and other discontinuities present in several geomechanical applications
is proposed. Edge-based data structures are used to improve computational
efficiency of Inexact Newton methods for solving finite element nonlinear
problems on unstructured meshes. Numerical experiments in the solution of
three-dimensional problems in cache based and vector processors have shown
that memory and computer time are reduced.
Last update: Wed Jun 12 14:26:52 2002 WEST