
Finite Element Simulation of Seismic Elastic Two Dimensional Wave Propagation: Development and Assessment of Performance in a Cluster of PCs with Software DSM
Francisco Quaranta - COPPE/UFRJ - Engenharia Civil
Maria Castro - UERJ - Departamento de Informatica e Ciencia da Computacao
Jose Alves - COPPE/UFRJ - Engenharia Civil
Claudio Amorim - COPPE/UFRJ - Engenharia de Sistemas e Computcao
In this work we approach the seismic wave propagation problem in two
using the finite element method (FEM). This kind of problem is essential to
study the structure of the earth's interior and exploring  petroleum
Using a representative FEM-based application, we propose and evaluate two
parallel algorithms 
based on the Torigaki scheme and on mesh colouring, respectively. The
distinguishing feature of 
our parallel versions is
that they were implemented in a distributed shared-memory system (SDSMs),
which offers the intuitive shared-memory programming model on a cluster of 
low-cost high-performance PCs. Our results for several workloads show that the
Torigaki scheme 
achieved the best speedup at 7.11 out of  8 processors, though the mesh 
colouring algorithm scales well. Overall, these preliminary results 
we obtained indicate that cluster-based SDSMs represent a cost-effective 
friendly-programming platform for developing parallel FEM-based applications.
Last update: Wed Jun 12 14:26:53 2002 WEST