Grid Computing
By José Fortes and Ivan Krsul (Advanced Computing and Information Systems Laboratory, University of Florida, USA)
Brief Description
This tutorial introduces the basic principles and techniques used for implementing computing applications on wide-area networks such as the Internet. It describes two popular frameworks for application development and distributed computing (Globus and .NET). The tutorial also presents brief examples of applications built on Globus and .NET as illustrations of the concepts and techniques presented.
Duration: 7 hours
Tentative Outline of the Tutorial
- Introduction to Grid Computing (1 hour)
- Definitions and conceptual introduction to Grid Computing (½ hour)
- Statement of the Problem
- Grid Architectures
- Requirements for Grid Computing
- Requirements for Security in Grid Computing
- Important definitions
- Protocols, services, resources, APIs, SDKs, etc.
- Sample Applications and scenarios (¼ hour)
- Why Grid Computing?
- Sample Scenarios
- Challenges (what is different about Grid Computing) (¼ hour)
- The broader context
- Why traditional distributed computing does not solve the problem
- The Globus Toolkit (3 ½ hours)
- Context and scenarios (¼hour)
- The Globus architecture (3 hours)
- Architecture
- Protocols and services
- Open Grid Services Architecture
- The Globus Toolkit
- Security in Globus
- QoS in Globus
- Data transfer in Globus
- Demonstration of Globus (¼ hour)
- The .NET Framework (2 ½ hours)
- Context and scenario (¼ hour)
- The .NET architecture (2 hours)
- Architecture of .NET
- .NET Framework
- Protocols and services
- The Microsoft Common Language Runtime, Common Intermediate Language
- The Microsoft Remoting Framework
- Security in .NET
- Data transfer in .NET (ADO.NET)
- Demonstration of .NET (¼ hour)
Total time: 7 hours