VECPAR'06 - Seventh International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science |
Passive Cooling of a Granular Medium Inside a Cylindrical Chamber
Vitor Petry (UFRGS)
Álvaro De Bortoli (UFRGS)
Oleg Khatchatourian (UNIJUÍ)
In several engineering and applied mathematics situations we are interested to evaluate the heat and mass transfer in granular media. In this work we are interested to evaluate the passive cooling of heat generating spheres inside a cylindrical chamber. Some numerical tests are realized to evaluate the parameters influence such as the chamber radius, the spheres humidity and the chamber material. The mathematical model can be applied to small load nuclear reactors safety where the spheres are fuel elements. It can also be applied to the grains drying process, where the air flow needs to be included.
Numerical Methods (PDE), Numerical Methods (Other)
Logos Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-graduação de Engenharia Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 2006 | July | 10 11 12 13