International Meeting
on High Performance Computing
for Computational Science

Past Conferences
- VECPAR 2016 – 12th International Meeting on
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Porto, Portugal
- VECPAR 2014 – 11th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Oregon, USA
- VECPAR 2012 – 10th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan
- VECPAR 2010 – 9th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Berkeley, CA, USA
- VECPAR 2008 – 8th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Toulouse, France
- VECPAR 2006 – 7th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- VECPAR 2004 – 6th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Valencia, Spain
- VECPAR 2002 – 5th International Meeting
High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Porto, Portugal
- VECPAR 2000 – 4th International Meeting
Vector and Parallel Processing, Porto, Portugal
- VECPAR'98 – 3rd International Meeting
Vector and Parallel Processing, Porto, Portugal
- VECPAR'96 – 2nd International Meeting
Vector and Parallel Processing - Systems and Applications, Porto, Portugal
- VECPAR'93 – 1st International Meeting
Vector and Parallel Processing - Computing Systems in Engineering, Porto, Portugal