The Impact of Virtualization on Grid Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Lino García-Tarrés (Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA))
Elvira Guàrdia (Dep. de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear. Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya)
Joaquim Casulleras (Dep. de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear. Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya)
The influence of the Xen virtualization technology on a parallel Molecular Dynamics simulation algorithm has been studied by the use of the Interactive European Grid infrastructure. Two parallelization strategies have been implemented; the first one is based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard while the second one uses the low level shared memory (SHM) UNIX system V communication capabilities between processors. In order to compare the benefits of these methodologies and technologies, four sets of pure water physical systems have been simulated.
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Grid Computing (middleware, algorithms, performance evaluation, ...), Computing in Healthcare and Biosciences, Virtualization
Toulouse | France | 2008 | June | 24  25  26  27