MOPS - A Morphodynamical Prediction System on Cluster Computers
Hartmut Kapitza (GKSS Research Centre, Institute for Coastal Research)
The simulation of morphodynamical processes with a 3D model requires high horizontal and vertical resolution at least in some parts of the model domain. In particular, all areas with steep bathymetry gradients like tidal rivulets or shipping channels require highly resolved simulations. Since it is not feasible to run the total model domain with the same high resolution everywhere, this problem calls for a multiply nested approach. Still, the amount of grid points necessary for a multiply nested simulation is enormous. Since in shallow areas the influence of wave action on the bottom shear stress becomes important a wave model particularly suitable for shallow water is coupled to the hydrodynamics. The integrated system is implemented on a Linux cluster using the MPI library. Performance results for different types of model coupling are presented.
Large Scale Simulations in CS&E (earth, environment, finance, geoscience, engineering, ...), Parallel and Distributed Computing, Cluster Computing
Toulouse | France | 2008 | June | 24  25  26  27