Intelligent Service Trading and Brokering for Distributed Network Services in GridSolve
Aurélie Hurault (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse - UMR 5505)
Asim YarKhan (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - University of Tennessee)
One of the great benefits of computational grids is to provide access to a wide range of scientific software and a variety of different computational resources. It is then possible to choose from this large variety of available resources the one that solves a given problem, and even to combine these resources in order to obtain the best solution. Grid service trading (searching for the best combination of software and execution platform according to the user requirements) is thus a crucial issue. Trading relies on the description of available services and computers, on the current state of the grid, and on the user requirements. Given the large amount of services that may be deployed over a Grid, this description cannot be reduced to a simple service name. In this paper, a sophisticated service specification approach similar to algebraic data types is combined with a grid middleware. This leads to a transparent solution for users: they give a mathematical expression to be solved, and the appropriate grid services will be transparently located, composed and executed on their behalf.
Parallel and Distributed Computing